Gum Contouring

Gum Contouring

Gum Contouring

Gum Contouring in Dubai

Everyone has a unique gumline. Some are high, some are low, and some are somewhere in the middle. Some may even be uneven.

There are options for changing your gumline if you are self-conscious about it. Gum contouring, also known as gingival sculpting or gingivoplasty, is one of the procedures that can help reshape your gumline.

What is Gum Contouring?

Gum contouring is a dental procedure that reshapes or re-sculpts your gumline. It is the removal of excess gum tissue around your teeth. Gum tissue is restored if you have gum recession.

Gum contouring is frequently a cosmetic procedure. This means it isn’t medically required. It is done instead to improve the appearance of the gums, teeth, or smile.

However, your dentist may recommend gum contouring for oral health reasons in some cases:

  • Gum contouring may be an option if you have periodontal disease. However, the dentist will first try nonsurgical treatments to treat gum disease. This may include antibiotics to kill the bacteria and infection, as well as dental cleanings to restore gum health.
  • If these efforts fail, Dr. Rashida and her team may recommend a treatment such as pocket reduction surgery on the gums and surrounding bone to save a tooth. Alternatively, you may require a regeneration procedure to regenerate damaged bone and gum tissue.

Procedure for Correcting a Gummy Smile

Before the procedure, our dentist will mark your gums to determine how much tissue will be removed or added, and will show you what we plan to do before beginning the procedure to ensure you are satisfied with the results. A local anesthetic will be used to numb the gums before removing excess gum tissue with a traditional surgical scalpel, soft-tissue laser, or electrocautery. To achieve the best long-term results, the bone in front of the tooth’s root may also need to be removed during gum contouring. For the removal of a small amount of gum tissue, the gum contouring appointment can last 15 to 30 minutes, but it can last up to an hour based on your specific condition.

Gum Contouring Aftercare

Your gums and mouth will most likely feel sensitive or tender at first, so eat soft foods for the next 2 to 3 days. To reduce the risk of infection, an antibiotic mouth rinse is prescribed. You are unlikely to require pain medication following gum contouring, and if you do, only use dentist-prescribed medications. Your pain will gradually subside, and you will be able to resume normal eating and oral hygiene habits. Depending on how you feel and any tenderness, you may need to limit some activities for a day or two. Typically, you’ll have a follow-up appointment a few days or a week after the procedure.

Cost of Gum Contouring

The cost of gum contouring varies depending on the severity of the damage and the amount of tissue to be removed. The use of a dental laser versus a surgical scalpel will also have an impact on the outcome. Treating a single tooth is much less expensive than changing the entire gum line. If you combine gum contouring with other procedures such as veneers, cosmetic bonding, or crowns, the total cost will increase. Typically, dental insurance does not cover cosmetic gum contouring. Contact us and we will be able to provide you with a detailed treatment plan as well as an estimate of the cost so that you are well prepared.

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We are a unique blend of individualism, commitment, perfection, precision, calm, and compassion.
We will go to any length to provide you with the best dental care available.

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Dr. Rashida strives to provide high-quality care using cutting-edge technology and an experienced team that puts you at the center of your dental health. Her thorough and unbiased approach, as well as her unique ability to connect with her patients, distinguishes her from any other dental practice.

Personalized Approach

The primary concern has always been everyone’s safety and comfort. Dr. Rashida takes pride in seeing to it that each patient gets the attention and care that they need. Her methods are highly customized and not universal. Her team provides exceptional dentistry to look after and enhance every facet of your oral health.

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Dr. Rashida collaborates with a team of highly specialized and world-renowned dentists under one roof to meet all of the patient’s dental needs.

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