Sleep Apnea Dentistry Treatment Dubai

Sleep Apnea Dentistry

Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) causes the airflow in the nose or mouth to stop during sleep, reducing oxygen supply to the brain and quickly leading to incomplete (unconscious) awakening. When breathing stops (apnea), the brain sends impulses to wake the person up and restart breathing. This cycle occurs several times throughout the night, resulting in the loss of sleep and various health issues. The patient has to go through a sleep study to monitor their breathing conditions while asleep. Symptoms can be mild, moderate, or severe. In severe cases, periods of no breathing can last 60 to 90 seconds and occur up to 500 times per night.

Your health is influenced by how you sleep, so a problem that keeps you from getting enough sleep could be detrimental to your overall health. Obstructive sleep apnea can be a fatal condition that necessitates immediate treatment. If left untreated, you could be at risk of developing serious illnesses such as heart attack, stroke, arrhythmias, and high blood pressure. Furthermore, it causes daytime sleepiness, leading to accidents and loss of productivity. Due to the seriousness of this health condition, you must consult a doctor and get a diagnosis. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, Dr. Rashida will draw up a treatment plan based on the severity of the disease. Besides sleep apnea treatment, she also offers specialized dental services such as TMJ treatment in Dubai because of her expertise in neuromuscular dentistry.

Warning Signs of Sleep Apnea

  • Loud snoring.
  • Gasping, snorting during sleep.
  • A common daytime symptom in people with OSAS is sleepiness.
  • Fatigue, forgetfulness, inattention, and impaired concentration.
  • OSAS can cause irritability, anger, and intolerance. Depression and anxiety disorder can be observed.
  • Inability to concentrate on work.
  • Morning headaches.
  • Dry mouth and sore throat.
  • Difficulty maintaining sleep (insomnia).

Oral Appliance Therapy

A CPAP device is the most frequently used treatment for sleep apnea. However, the recent and modern technique is using oral applicators. Research has shown them to be highly effective for mild to moderate conditions. These special devices either hold the tongue or gently push the lower jaw forwards, increasing the space between the base of the tongue and the back of the pharynx. An experienced dentist can create a customized dental applicator that will fit your mouth perfectly. Dr. Rashida has extensive expertise and knowledge in the field of dental sleep medicine. She has completed her residency program in dental sleep medicine from TUFTS university and is among the first in the country to be certified by ‘The American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine.’ Schedule an appointment today!

Coherent Care

Convenient dental services should cut costs, not corners. Dr. Rashida strives to provide high-quality care using cutting-edge technology and an experienced team that puts you at the center of your dental health. Her thorough and unbiased approach, as well as her unique ability to connect with her patients, distinguishes her from any other dental practice.

Personalized Approach

The primary concern has always been everyone’s safety and comfort. Dr. Rashida takes pride in seeing to it that each patient gets the attention and care that they need. Her methods are highly customized and not universal. Her team provides exceptional dentistry to look after and enhance every facet of your oral health.

Diversified Treatments under Single Roof

Dr. Rashida collaborates with a team of highly specialized and world-renowned dentists under one roof to meet all of the patient’s dental needs. According to the experts, taking care of your health should fit into your busy schedule. As a result, you can access dental practices in convenient locations and at convenient times.

Oral Appliance Treatment with a Certified Dentist

Dr. Rashida is an experienced dentist in Dubai specializing in dental sleep medicine. She is the region’s first American-board-certified sleep apnea specialist. Using the latest technologies and advanced treatments, she helps diagnose and treat patients suffering from sleep apnea. She takes an individualized approach and designs a customized sleep apnea treatment plan to cater to the needs of each patient. After a thorough examination and running tests, the dentist will recommend using a dental appliance. If you also have trouble sleeping due to breathing problems and suffer other major sleep apnea symptoms, visit Smiles by Dr. Rashida’s dental clinic for a checkup.

Benefits of Oral Applicators

Easy to Use
Compact Size
Comfortable to Wear

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